
Showing posts from August 24, 2015

Wallow Foundation: Indian lady saved

THE LIVING WORD DAILY DEVOTION #wallowfoundation 24th August 2015 Do you believe? ________________ Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. A young beautiful lady from India got saved yesterday and i believe our social networking is not just for fun but for fire. You know its difficult convincing such people, she told me "you do know you are continents away?" Well, much was said yesterday but Glory Alleluia. The story of Mark9:24 was a child taken by an unclean spirit. We can call them demons, its just another way to say it. This young child has been in torment, he foams with the mouth and gnashes with the teeth. When the father brought him to Jesus, i can tell you the Lord wants someone to believe, so the father had to do the believing, but he said " Lord, i believe; well, not too sure, but help my unbelief". But i know that man believed something, so the Lord just had a chat