
Showing posts from December 20, 2022

Walking with God

Reformed Christian Fellowship Weekly Devotion.  Topic: Walking with God/ Bro Joseph Bourdilon  Date/AD21/12/2022 14 years ago I began to walk with the Lord, with many stumbling and backsliding. I am a prisoner of Christ but many times I tried to escape prison. In the world love sets people free, but for me love kept me in. The greatest thing in my life is not my wife or my ministry, it is my walk with God. I had no wife nor ministry when God began to help me. I didn't preach a single sermon in 4 years. I didn't know anything to preach, came from a catholic background where we didn't go to church with Bibles. If I have grown or made progress, it is clearly because I followed the Lord all these years.  Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him. We have a very brief mention of Enoch in the Bible. The most popular phrase in the Bible about Enoch is "Enoch walked with God." This was the description of the man's life. The man became