THE LIVING WORD DAILY DEVOTION #wallowfoundation 25th Nov 2015 Relationship, sex and marriage __________________________ "If you remove sex from relationships, most people would quit" >Joseph Bourdilon Today, young men at 15 are becoming fathers, and grandfathers at 30. Sex is been greatly abused. Don't go into a relationship with someone who has no self-respect and control, because all they will do is control you, and by the time they are done they will loose respect for you. This devotional is rated PG16, so readers discretion is advised. Most times men are not sensitive to know when a woman is seductive, she can bring your heavens down, and before you know it (pliam pliam) you have slept with her all in the name of relationship. A relationship is supposed to be a learning ground, don't take the fight to the learning ground. Some men are very stupid, they chase women based on how big their bum bums are. It is a wicked reason to go into a relatio...
Showing posts from November 25, 2015