Entering The Promise: Understand God's Grace, and know how you can overcome
*And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you? Joshua 18:2-3 KJV* It's a good thing to get out of Egypt, but the conflict is with entering the promise. Some people have overcome certain sins, they don't steal or gossip, but there is no joy of the Lord in their lives, they have not entered the promise. They have escaped the problems but have missed the promise. There is a promise in the New Testament that says "Sin shall not have dominion over you", see Romans 6:14. For many of us this promise is not yet true in our lives. We are not in Egypt, we got out but we are stocked in the wilderness. We are not in bondage of Pharaoh, but we are still fighting the Amorites, those sins that won't let us go. When we open the New Testament we are spying the land, but we ...