Healthy Tips with Joseph B
THE LIVING WORD DAILY DEVOTION #wallowfoundation GRACE WORLD 7th April 2016 Health Tips ___________ "You are what you eat" -Dr. Don & Kenneth Copeland (KCM) All humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every four hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods. Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same. Tips: Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) when you are not fasting huh; it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal. The bul...