Clouds Without Rain


*Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. Proverbs 25:14 KJV* *A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain. Proverbs 25:14 NLT*

As we seek to make progress in the Christian life; by now I want to believe you have seen the goal. 99.9% of Daily Devotionals in the world are not preaching what we preach here. But we can glory in that thinking we are okay, we need to strive to make progress in becoming more like Christ. A lot of Christian work in the world is clouds without rain; having a form of Godliness but without power. You see, people can organise music concerts and get thousands of people to come, but there will be no true outpouring of the Spirit because its all done in the flesh. We are not here to hold music concerts, I repented of that long time ago. I don't think I would ever hold a concert in my life, and I have hard time going for one. 

My reasons are: people seem to be more entertained than challenged. These false churches use emotionalism to create a false cloud, and you can sit there thinking "Wow that's the presence of God", you have been deceived. More often we capture pictures of people crying, falling down etc, and we can think that God is moving. Millions of believers are in this deception, no wonder we have not seen a true revival in a while. We have more emotional churches now, and that's the danger. I'm not saying people shouldn't worship God with their emotions, I can tell you now that I do that, but it's not worship for me. Overcoming anger, lust, bitterness, envying, that's what I call true worship. But let's not call that true worship, let's not create it by our clever music, let's not seek to entertain men. 

How come people come back from these concerts and they are still defeated by sin? I thought they had an encounter with Jesus? If they did, I believe Jesus would've told them "I do not condemn you, Go and sin no more." A lot of these worship concerts are fake and should never be attended. When a minister of God asks you to pay a gate fee to come and worship God, you think God will come down that day? Rubbish! I don't believe so many of these things that are done today. People use their clever brain in organising meetings, and then asks God to come down and move. I tell you in a million years God will not move. 

When I read the Bible I don't find any worship concert, and I don't see anybody paying gate fee to enter the temple. If only you can see how Christendom has drifted far away from the truth. I wouldn't have had one problem if people come back from those meetings challenged to become like Christ. I would even pay to attend if it were so, but on the contrary its all clouds without rain. You can say things with your mouth that is not true in your life. You can have good music with a bad mouth, that's not worship. True worshippers are those who seek to deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Jesus. They may not even have the best music, but their lives are a worship to God. How do I know? God said about Jesus "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus was not a choir member, He didn't even know what soprano and tenor was, so how come? Because His life was pleasing to God. I hope you are challenged.. let's pray

*Dear Father. We see now your heart through your word. We want to become true worshippers like Jesus. We want our lives to honor you. Give us day by day this desire and help us to reach the goal in Jesus name, Amen!*

Joseph Bourdilon


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