Nigerian Dream


This article intends no violence or mutual attack on anybody or organization. Its written upon the bleeding eyes of patriotism and optimism and faith in Nigeria. It is the writer's intention to use sometimes poetry and some times reality. It intends to awake and not entertain. To give hope rather than take what is left. 

I am no aggrieved party member. I am an aggrieved Nigerian. Put betwixt the war of Nigeria's rise post-independence and it's subsidence post-democracy. Democracy can now mean 'Dem go crazy.' Born in the early 90's into a country of hopes, where Cowbell was our milk and where Peak was truly in you. A country of hopes we believed we would be leaders of tomorrow, but today we are the tales of the past. 

We can join voices together and say today that Nigeria is a place of shattered hopes. The context is both socio-economical and socio-political. At the backdrop of these two concepts is the pitfall of Nigeria's descend to a great depression. Her children have resorted to Japa (narrow escape), others have taken to unethical income streams. Her grandchildren will either be immigrants of other lands or inmates. If Nigeria was truly a person, she would've been long dead. In the next 3 months we are not in a race to make Nigeria great, for she does not exist. We are in such a race to resurrect her. 

In the wake of this revolution to rise and revive Nigeria, an army must come which move not at the offers of money. We should never let them buy Nigeria again. I believe at this crucial time we all know the right person to vote. Its not the sentimentalist or the tribalist, not even the philanthropist but the economist. Nigeria's problem borders around its economy, we cant trust thieves to run such affairs. We need men who have proven character, men of meek composure, men of renowned strength and courage. 

If you find one candidate that looks anything like these then cast your votes and keep this dream alive. I call on all Nigerians to arise and fight, this time in prayers and with their PVC. If you speak in tongues and you have no PVC, forget it. Its a time to arise...

Written by Joseph Bourdilon in AD2022


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