Does this mean "RAPTURE"

20th August 2015

The final salvation
Rom 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now [it is] high time to awake out of sleep: for now [is] our salvation nearer than when we believed.

There are three stages of our salvation. 1) At new birth, that's the point where we first believed. 2) Continuous salvation by renewing the mind. 3) The rapture. The new testimony of the church and the spirit of God has pressed us into this truth. It could sound more like "up up from your slumber". But they that sleep do sleep in the night, so why do we wake up even now? Because the night is over spent.

Rom 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

I'm not seeking for that day to tarry, because its near than we first believed. This world is not ours, we don't belong here. I paused for a moment and i was asking myself how heaven would feel like "wow", i spend time missing the experience, but the day of his glory will give us an everlasting privilege. That's why we need to love, keeping the words of life and giving grace its place.
_______: Father, thy kingdom come and thy will be done upon me; that my soul may please you. Let me die in my duty through Jesus Christ. Amen

Madume Joseph Bourdilon
Wallow foundation.  world wide. ( 08160508916
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