Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth ²
*Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 1 Peter 2:1-2 KJV*
I just want to continue in what we were saying yesterday on this line. I want you to discern your spiritual condition and see if you are truly growing. Do you still have malice, hypocrisy, speaking evil about others, guile or envying? This is a scan for your spirituality. The x-ray shows that you are in a bad condition, and you have need for milk. I find out that these listed sins are mostly committed by church people. They are the biggest hypocrites, preaching what is not true in their own lives, gossiping about brother so and so, envying someone that God has blessed etc. They still attend the meetings, sing in the choir, have a good tithe history but they are not healthy spiritually.
I was a hypocrite just like 99.9% of believers today. I preached what was not true in my life. I wanted to impress people until God saved me from hypocrisy. I believe He has saved me because I don't desire to impress any human being in my life. As new born babes desire the sincere milk of God's word. Do you know any baby that has envy? Imagine your 3 months old baby that is a hypocrite, trying to impress other babies that it is cuter. Can you ever imagine that? Well if you could then you must be crazy. Another way to know if you're growing is that you will have the heart of a baby, which is the symbol of humility.
*Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. Mark 10:15 KJV*
Now there is a difference between behaving like a child and becoming as a child. I'm not asking you to start wearing diapers or sleeping in a cradle. I don't think that's what Jesus meant when He said we must receive the kingdom like children. Paul said "I put away childish things when I became a man." Paul had a baby's heart until he died, but what he meant is that, I am not picking up a millipede like a child, I'm not falling and getting up everyday like a child, I have learnt how to be humble as a child but brave like a man. I have learnt how to overcome sin, and even when I fall I know how to get up.
Sadly, a lot of so called believers, including everyone of us reading this, we know we are not growing as we should. We still lose our temper, speak as we like, do our own will, and we have a sticker in front of our homes telling people we are Christians. I shout a loud hypocrisy! It's time to take this seriously and seek to grow. If you discover the hair on your head is not growing, you will find every possible chemical to make it grow, especially the ladies. If you care so much for your hair, how about your spirit? Let's be serious. February is Pursing A Life That Pleases God, I pray you will be counted amongst those who pleased God. We will get this together tomorrow. Let us pray
*Father, Thank you for admonishing us, and showing us areas where we are lacking. Help us to growing spiritually. We receive the grace to overcome the sins that easily offends us in Jesus name, Amen!*
Joseph Bourdilon