Read how your relationship can work by understanding sex and marriage
11th - 13th July 2016
Relationship, sex & marriage
"If you remove sex from marriage most people would quit"
©Joseph Bourdilon
Eh nm, Amen. This broadcast is rated PG 18, readers discretion is advised. Telemundo and Z-world have not informed us enough; we are responsible for what goes on in our relationship with people. I have been single for almost 3years now, and i apologize to every single lady who has been checking on me, but i think it remains another 2 years for me to be awarded the Bachelors degree in been single. You know, many of us get so lonely, i have felt so so many times, and the Lord has been dealing with me on that line for weeks now. I have had so many foreign and local friends tell me about their marriage and how it has culminated into loneliness. The point is, never marry lonely people, because you will end up been lonely. You shouldn't get into a relationship too because you feel lonely, it is the cheapest way to fail.
"If you fail in your marriage, just remember it's not college where you can repeat a class"
©Joseph Bourdilon
Can we talk about sex? Don't worry because before you reply we are done talking about it. I can't over spiritualize sex. Sex is cool and i love it, but i would be foolish to have it now, because i haven't paid for it. You can't go to the candy store to buy a car; they don't sell cars. Most times we pursue sexual pleasure without considering the cost. Trust me, sex is sweat, you need to ask the angels who left heaven to look on the daughters of men in the Hebrew Bible, 'Bereshit' or Genesis. Most of us are very spiritual we can't even talk about it. If you are too holy, ask the butcher to cut off your private part. The church is maritally sick because the truth has been compromised with what seems like holiness but isn't. Holiness is based on truth, and i love the truth even though it hurts sometimes. Have you seen a case where the woman is pressured to give sexual pleasure six times a day? Madam you have just married a dog. I am talking about people in church, because that's the most part where it happens. Thank you for joining us on this broadcast. We are looking at this subject till the 13th of July. Bye bye
Relationship Tips
> Don't marry because of sex
> Don't marry because of loneliness
> Don't be experimental in your relationship
> A broken relationship is better than a sick marriage. Break up instead of fail at the peak.
"If a relationship would cost a million dollar, most people would be owing the world bank."
©Joseph Bourdilon
Joseph Bourdilon
JosephBourdilobMinistries. (
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