Read the truth about your salvation, and be rest assured of the blessing
27th August 2016
Righteous by faith
Gal 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.
Amen, Alleluia Glory! Eh mm, what has religion and religious preachers said over the years concerning justification? "You are going nu hell if you sin", hehe, i used 'nu' cos that's how they say it. They said, a man is justified by works, and we need to do, and do and do the word before we can be blessed. They told us we can loose our salvation the moment we sin. Now, Grace World or Joseph Bourdilon is against sin, we already laid that foundation; don't write to me, because i won't read it.
This is what the Lord told me, "the law is of works, but Grace is of faith." We have used the Jewish atonement at Yom Kippur for illustrations severally. The Jews brought goats and rams for their sins yearly, and a goat could cover a man's sin for a full year, but under grace even believers don't believe the blood of Jesus can cover them for a week, because the moment they fail, they believe it's gone. When the people brought the lambs, God didn't look at them to judge them, but he punished their sins on those lambs. Today, who is your lamb?
Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
There are other folks who believe that, if they could just take off the ear ring, eyelashes, lipstick and the gold chains; they could be holy and justified by how they look. Mehn! Poverty has got the best of them. Hey! What we do can't qualify any of us, and more so, what we do can't disqualify us. We are justified by faith, and faith is based on 'only believe'. If only we had preached the truth, many people would have gone back to church. But we disqualify them, and say "if they could stop this, if they could bring this, if they could carry this", no! What about if they could only believe?
Today, you are righteous by faith. We didn't do right to earn righteousness. Jesus knew no sin, yet he became sin, so today you and i can be the righteousness of God through Him forever. The idea that you can loose your salvation is not written in the gospel, its an Antichrist doctrine. The devil wants you to feel you can be lost, so when you fail you won't repent. God loves you so much honey, i mean; He wants you to know that everyday. You are blessed since the day Jesus came into your heart, and nothing can undo your blessing. When you believe that by faith, you will start producing good works by grace. Thank you for joining us on this special broadcast. Bye bye
_______: Hey! devil, the days of lies are over. I am the righteousness of God until Jesus comes. You can't tell me what to believe anymore. So get off my channel right now in Jesus name! Amen!
Joseph Bourdilon
JosephBourdilobMinistries. (
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