What Is The Goal
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2020
What Is The Goal?
*Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, Philippians 3:8 KJV*
Billy Graham once said "It is very difficult for me to convince young people that life is short." Many people have not seen the goal of the Christian life because they are consumed by ambitions, earthly fancies, the idea of longlife etc. Methuselah lived to be 969 but he never said "I have finished my course." Because you can be on the wrong course for a million years. Paul said "My goal is to win Christ, and because of that goal I have lost everything." When I look into Christendom for whom the Bible was written to, I'm shocked because I do not see the pursuit of this goal.
We rather have a fine life now than pursue some endless goal for Christ. We rather enjoy the transient passions of the flesh than commit our lives to an uncertain promise of perfection. We rather watch all the movies we can now than set our hearts on the cross. We rather love money now and make so much for the future than laying up treasures in heaven. We rather do the minimum for Christ now than do the maximum with our lives. Don't you see this in Christendom? I'm not talking about the world. To a certain Pastor called Nicodemus Jesus told "You must be born again." It amazes me that He never asked a sinner to be born again but a religious man. All of you who are religious need to be saved. You know I'm talking about you.
*(For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) Philippians 3:18-19 KJV*
Paul wept because of the deception amongst believers, because their goal was not to know Christ, but earthly things and the satisfaction of riches. I tell you sincerely that I wept in my heart when I saw this verse, because I have been guilty of this type of Christianity. For 10 years I sat in a church where the goal was not basically to be like Christ, but to claim everything mentioned in the Bible that appeals to our omfort. So every Sunday we sat down yelling Amen to this and that, but inside our hearts was a burning passion for sin. If you tempt me 2minutes after church I would fall, because I did not see the goal. Brothers and sisters, I do not want to be known as a great preacher. I want to preach things out of my life, not out of my head. My testimony is that I now see the goal, not so clearly like Paul but I follow after if I might attain.
Paul said he wants to be at the resurrection of the dead, so one thing he does is forget what has happened; both good and bad, and pressing on to his goal. One day he said "I have finished my course." Is there any beautiful way to end your life other than this? I have just one life to live, I don't want to waste it and never using it for God. Brothers and sisters, what is the goal in your life? One day we will stand before the judgement sit of Christ, and many of us will be ashamed for how we have lived our lives; my God! I don't want to be ashamed of anything. I start now to press, its not too late my friends. Will you live like Methuselah or like Jesus? Let us pray
*Father. This is so strong for us, this is strong meat help us to chew it. We need your grace to finish our course, but firstly to see the goal for which we strive to finish. May we not make a mess of our lives again. We ask in Jesus name, Amen!*
Joseph Bourdilon