Why I preach such a hard message. The truth that most pastors won't tell you.

There is a need for men to preach burdens. We have too many clever men who own pulpits in the west, and a lot of foolish men who do not study down here in Africa. Paul wrote to Timothy "Study to unveil yourself a man approved by God." I will show you some screenshots that will offend you, and at the end of my message I will be called a heretic and I will be termed as been judgmental. 

This is a screenshot of the rising social media interest preacher and a revival movement evangelist in Northern part of Nigeria, Joshua Selman. I have no personal trouble with this guy, but I have been following his posts to understand what he is really focused at, and it seems its becoming rich. In his message he wrote out a point that says "Many people are poor because they have no goal to be wealthy." I begin to tremble at the kind of gospel these guys are feeding a large marjority of Africans. 

Imagine you met Apostle Paul and asked him "Brother, what's your goal in life?" I guess he would say "To make a lot of money or to live a luxurious lifestyle?" Something has to be wrong with something that is wrong with this people. Paul wrote to the Philippians in chapter 3 of that espistle, "I want to win Christ." To the Corinthians he wrote "I desired nothing else but to know Christ and Him crucified."

What is the goal of today's civilized Christian? You find that a lot of us want to be rich, when in fact; the Bible clearly warns about been rich in this world, using statements like "It will be easier for a carmel to go through an eye of a niddle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." He goes on to say that with God it was possible, but as long as it depended on men it was impossible. This is why my burden for the church, the remnant of Christ drives me to preach the way I do. This is why I say the things I say the way I say them. 

"There are two options why you hate me. Number one is that I live differently from you, number two is that I talk different from you. In fact, number three is that I don't care."
- Joseph Bourdilon

We are to teach men how to know Christ and get Christ to know them. To be conformed to the image of Christ daily. To get God's approval and finish our course. We are not called to train men on how to become wealthy. Jesus never thought men how to build a business or make money, its okay if we build our business, but its not the primary goal of the true Christian. What did the disciples long to learn? "Lord, teach us how to pray." See Luke 11:1


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